Monday, November 16, 2009

Violin Fingerboard Aufkleber


Our special program Senderos de La Palma is once again for the second consecutive semanda of the most visited by Internet users. Our team traveled to La Palma to attend the International Festival of Hiking and Mountain 2009 organized on the island. Those who have not have seen, you can now find different routes to mountains, scenic spots ...


Cooking Show
Our program has been a favorite for viewers. This time we present two cooks, Pilar, the restaurant La Cuina de Pilar, and Boro, the restaurant La Cuina Boro, both with extensive experience in the world of the kitchen.


Another of the most visited during this special week has been the American Rodeo. The program will offer all that live there and met the American rodeo, an event that was held last September in the bullring in Valencia. There he met many familiar faces, and also we talk to the cowboy Valencia, Patricia Jarque.

Televiajes team went to see the Goleta Cervantes Saavedra. It met here we present this report, one of the most viewed during last week. This is a ship which is used both as a more commercial educational purposes, with the possibility of it parties or business meetings. If you have not seen, what are you waiting?


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